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Zoom Call Minutes-16 November 2023


(This message includes 3 attachments, related to this ZOOM CALL.)

DEPARTMENT EXCOM - CALL to ORDER - - President Husar called the meeting to order at 1700 hours.

The Prayer was offered by Mike Moose. Iggi Husar led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL - Secretary Moose called the Roll, with the following in attendance:

President - - Iggi Husar

Secretary - - -Mike Moose

Treasurer - - Tom Froneberger

MG Margaret Wilmoth - ROA Medical Committees

Commander John Leonard - National EXCOM


The Minutes of the October ZOOM Call were approved as published.

Pres. Husar stated that the new Draft Department By-Laws have been sent to Diane Markham for review.

Treasurer Froneberger summarized the 2024 Budget and Financial data. (see Budget and Monthly Report attachments)

Iggi Husar mentioned that he will research the most recent payment for our ZOOM Account.


Iggi Husar mentioned that he is drafting the 2024 ZOOM & In-Person Meeting Schedule.

Ongoing Department Merger -

Discussions followed concerning the topic of considering merging with other Southern Departments. Iggi stated that Camerone Trent (SC) has a ZOOM Call scheduled for Dec. 18, at 8PM. He will send Log-On info to anyone who wants to participate in the ZOOM.

MG Wilmoth, John Leonard and Mike Moose stated various historic aspects of past ROA mergers by other Departments, during the past 20 years. Mike Moose mentioned that many past mergers resulted because of desperation of lack of leadership and bad financials experienced by other Departments. There are Pros and Cons to consider before any merger is approved. If North Carolina decides not to merge, our Department can still continue to cooperate and communicate with any nearby Departments.

Wreaths Across America -

Tom Froneberger encouraged members to approach local businesses for 2023 Wreath Sponsorship.


Iggi mentioned that he is working with ROA National, to identify out of state members, who may be willing to transfer to their current states of residence. This would improve membership communications and simplify Department Operations, for the long-run.

March Leadership Meeting -

Iggi discussed the March Meeting in DC. Mike Moose is interested in attended this gathering of the National Council and other Department Leaders.

Family Readiness & Reserve Unit Outreach -

Iggi stated that he has been in contact with the 81st Regional Support Command (RSC) Family Readiness Office at Fort Jackson, SC. He will also contact the 108th Division (Charlotte) Family Coordinator about possible participation in Family Readiness events in North Carolina. These events might offer indirect recruiting of new members and identifying current ROA members, currently serving in NC Reserve units.

Other -

Mike Moose mentioned that he will participate in a National Council ZOOM Call at 8PM on 16 Nov. He will be serving on ROA's Marketing & Communications Committee and the Resource Development Committee (Fund Raising), if those 2 committees will be continued, as part of ROA's Strategic Plan.

This ZOOM Meeting was adjourned at approx. 1800 hours.

(Please share these minutes as needed.)