ROA ROTC Award Presentation by Department Treasurer, LTC Thomas M. Froneberger UNC Chapel Hill Navy ROTC Cadet William Kendrick-Holmes-Silver Medal 🔎
ROA ROTC Award Presentation by Department Treasurer, LTC Thomas M. Froneberger UNC Chapel Hill Navy ROTC Cadet William Kendrick-Holmes-Silver Medal 🔎
ROA ROTC Award Presentation by Department Treasurer, LTC Thomas M. Froneberger UNC Chapel Hill Navy ROTC Cadet Parker Sylvia-Gold Medal 🔎
ROA JROTC Award Presentation by Department Army Section VP, COL Iggi W. Husar Cadet Jacob Deskins, NJROTC, Union Pines High School, Cameron, NC 🔎
ROA ROTC Award Presentation by Department Member, CDR John Leonard Cadet Bound, Air Force ROTC Detachment 585 🔎
SFC Whitby, CDR Leonard, COL Husar, MG Wilmoth Photos of Delegates to the ROA Annual Meeting 2023 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 🔎