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2024 Christmas Luncheon

On 13 December 2024, the Department held its first annual Christmas Luncheon at Doherty's Irish Pub and Restaurant in Cary, NC. RADM Paul T. Kayye was presented the ROA John R. Delafield Achievement Award by Department President COL Ihor "Iggi" Husar. The award citation was read by Department Secretary LTC Mike Moose, who also submitted the request for award to the ROA national awards committee. Member, Mrs. Linda "Gay" Kayye, was presented a bouquet of one dozen roses as special recognition for supporting RADM Kayye in his military service over 42 years of marriage. Long time Department member COL Bob Gay, shared words of tribute regarding RADM Kayye.

ExCom member MG Peggy Wilmoth provided remarks in her capacity as ROA National President Elect. ExCom member CDR John Leonard, USCG, made remarks in his capacity as member of the ROA National Council.

Fourteen Department members attended the luncheon, organized by Department Treasured LTC Tom Froneberger.

12/14/24 06:02/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

Junior Officer of the Year

Junior Officer of the Year
COL Husar and CPT Juntz
6 October 2024

Army Captain Matthew Juntz was the recipient of the ROA Junior Officer of the Year Award.

10/24/24 11:08/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

2024 ROA Annual Meeting

2024 ROA Annual Meeting
L to R: LTC Moose, MG Wilmoth, COL Husar, CDR Leonard, SFC Whitby.
6 October 2024

Here are the delegates from the North Carolina Department to the ROA Annual Meeting at the Minuteman Building.

10/20/24 07:57/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

2024 Annual Meeting Elections

2024 Annual Meeting Elections
MG Wilmoth and COL Monti Zimmerman

Delegates elected several members to the national leadership. Congratulations to all our newly elected members, including our National President-elect, MG Peggy Wilmoth, USA (Ret.), and COL Monti Zimmerman, National Vice President-elect, both will assume their duties in October 2025.

Among the National Officers elected is CDR John Leonard.

At the Banquet on evening of 5 October, COL Iggi Husar met with Matt Schwartzman, Legislation and Military Policy Director.

10/08/24 14:22/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

The Reserve Organization of America presents the ROA Award of Merit

The Reserve Organization of America presents the ROA Award of Merit
COL Husar presents ROA Award of Merit to LTC Adams
17 April 2024

The Pilot newspaper, with broad circulation in the greater Moore County NC area, published this photo with caption in Club News Section of the 17 April 2024 edition.

The ROA Award of Merit was presented to North Carolina Department immediate past President, LTC James R. Adams of Vass, NC, by current Department President, COL Ihor "Iggi" W. Husar.

04/18/24 20:22/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

Award of Merit Presentation to Past Department President

1 April 2024

Department President Colonel Ihor "Iggi" Husar, presented the ROA Award of Merit to immediate past Department President LTC James R. Adams, USAR (Ret). Colonel Husar made the award presentation on 1 April 2024 at the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry (FILI) Headquarters at the end of an FILI scheduled meeting. LTC Mike Moose, who read the citation, is an officer of FILI and the Secretary of the ROA North Carolina Department. Other Department members present for the award ceremony were:

RADM Paul Kayye, USN-R (Ret)

BG Ferdinand Irizzary, USAR (Ret)

LTC Thomas M. Froneberger, USAR (Ret)-Department Treasurer

LTC Oland Little, USAR (Ret)

SFC Karl Whitby, USAR (Ret)

BG Irizzary, LTC Adams, LTC Moose, and SFC Whitby are members of FILI.

04/02/24 11:25/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/

State Convention 2024

The State Convention was called to order at 1030 hours by COL Iggi Husar - Department President.

The Opening Prayer was delivered by CDR John Leonard.

The Roll Call of Attendees PRESENT, was announced by LTC Mike Moose, Department Secretary:

COL Iggi Husar - Department President

LTC Tom Froneberger - Treasurer

LTC Mike Moose - Secretary

CDR John Leonard - National EXCOM for Sea Services

RADM Paul Kayye - Past National President

Mrs. Gay Kayye

MG Margaret Wilmoth - Candidate for ROA President-Elect

Mr. Hugo Uyttenhove - Guest

BG John Aarsen

Mrs. Nancy Moose

COL Kevin Riedler - Past National Army Vice-President

Mrs. Beth Riedler

LTC Jim Adams – Immediate Past President

SFC Karl Whitby

COL Nickolas Christopher



LTC Moose welcomed all attendees to the F.I.L.I. HQ/Museum. He stated that the F.I.L.I. was founded in 1793 and is the Second Oldest State Militia in America. He mentioned that a tour of the Museum's first floor would be conducted at the end of the meeting.


BG Aarsen made a Motion to Accept the New Dept. Constitution. his Motion was seconded.

Discussion followed on this Motion - COL Riedler asked that Article VI, Section 4 - relating to holding Dual Offices should be clarified. He then made a Motion to Remove Article VI, Section 4. MG Wilmoth stated that we should actively seek and invite younger members to become more involved with our Department as volunteers for various leadership positions. LTC Moose mentioned that in the past, Department Offices have always been OPEN for members to volunteer to serve. COL Riedler stated that it is important to seek more members for our elected offices and Committee positions. The Motion to REMOVE Article VI, Section 4 (Dual Offices) was PASSED Unanimously, to Remove that Section.

RADM Kayye opened discussion from the floor, relating to the Department's Objective as stated in the proposed New Constitution, Article II, Section 1. He stated that we should consider adding Defense Education to that section. LTC Moose mentioned that our Department can certainly SUPPORT EDUCATION as part of our overall mission. Yet, he stated that Defense Education is an important budgeted aspect which is funded and planned by ROA National EXCOM & HQ Staff. (ROA Academy, Defense Symposiums, etc.). Our Department can always be pro-active as needed.

MG Wilmoth then asked if we had reviewed the Constitutions of other Departments during the past year. COL Iggi stated that we had reviewed the Constitution from the Department of Georgia, as provided to us by member LtCol Len Sobieski last Summer. Len provided guidance to us in 2023, in order to make our new Constitution more effective.

CDR Leonard announced that we should consider amending Article VI, Section 1 - Officers of the Department. He mentioned that a Department Vice-President would be a logical method to provide adequate Leadership to our Department. CDR Leonard made a Motion to add the Position of VICE-PRESIDENT to our Constitution to Article VI, Section 1 and to Article VII, Section 2, Department "EXCOM". COL Riedler stated that this change would be an improvement to the New Constitution. This friendly amendment was PASSED to add the position of VICE-PRESIDENT for the Department.

COL Riedler made a MOTION (& seconded) that the new Constitution be accepted, with the friendly Amendments as stated above. COL Husar called for vote to accept the new Constitution. The vote PASSED unanimously.


COL Husar called for nominations for Department Officers for the coming year.

LTC Moose made a Motion to nominate COL Iggi Husar for the office of President. That Motion was Seconded. A vote was taken for the Election of COL Iggi Husar to the Office of President. This Motion PASSED. COL Husar called for nominations for the office of Treasurer. LTC Froneberger stated that last year he was elected for a 2 year term. SFC Whitby nominated LTC Moose for the Office of Secretary. LTC Moose accepted that nomination. LTC Moose nominated COL Kevin Riedler for the Office of Vice-President. COL Riedler accepted that Nomination.

COL Husar announced the slate of Department Nominations as:

President - COL Iggi Husar

Vice President - COL Kevin Riedler

Secretary - LTC Mike Moose

Treasurer- LTC Tom Froneberger

A Motion was made & Seconded to Approve the above Slate of Officers. There was no further discussion. The VOTE was PASSED to unanimously elect the above nominees, to their respective offices.


COL HUSAR opened discussion concerning members to attend the 2024 national Annual Meeting.

LTC Moose stated that all members are always welcome to attend the national Annual Meeting. He mentioned that a primary decision is to specify who will receive partial reimbursement for their attendance in Washington, DC. He described that in the past, North Carolina Department always provided some funds for our President and National Councilman, to help reimburse some of the National convention costs. If they could not attend, their proxy would also receive some funding. He discussed that it was not the intent of the Department to provide 100% of those expenses but to assist in defraying out-of-pocket costs, as much as feasible. Many Department members in the past would provide some of their own funds, as needed, for Registration Fees, Travel & Hotel expenses. This year the Registration Fee is $235. MG Wilmoth announced that the Banquet will cost $125. The hotel is the DC Residence Inn but attendees can stay anywhere.

LTC Moose mentioned that we must be budget-conscious about meeting expenses. Dues rebates were not distributed for a few years but eventually were received. He mentioned that he hopes ROA Dues Rebates will continue in the future. He stated the new policy of rebates is now generated by annual membership renewals within each Department. LTC Moose mentioned that in years past significant donations were made to our Department, which is now the basis of

our current assets being at a successful level.


LTC Froneberger announced that we received Dues Rebates recently. Our total assets are approx. $77,000. This balance may be the highest we have achieved in recent years. Tom mentioned that we are moving our assets from VANGUARD to SCHWABB. Vanguard is beginning to charge fees for transferring funds for any reason. That is why we are moving to Schwabb. $2,800 is currently in our checking account. He mentioned that we are still offering ROA Centennial Coins for $4.50 each. LTC Moose stated that our annual cost for College ROTC Medals is now approx. $500, for our 21 ROTC Detachments.

LTC Moose proposed that a stipend could be justified of not more than $1,000 for our President to attend the National Meeting. We could also consider allocating up to $500 apiece ($1,000 total) for two other members to attend the Convention. LTC Moose also stated that our Department is in a much better financial position than many other ROA Departments. COL Husar mentioned that funds for attending the national Annual Meeting could be decided later, by our EXCOM in the near future.

(At this point in our Convention, the caterer, Chef Tyson, delivered our LUNCH meal.)

Our Lunch Menu included - Barbecue Pork Sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Fruit, Dessert, and Tea.

The Convention minutes continue below, following the LUNCH BREAK.


CDR Leonard began his remarks by discussing his elected position, as the Sea Services Executive-Committeeman, and thereby being a member of the National Executive Committee (EXCOM). He stated that he participates in the frequent EXCOM Meetings via ZOOM which includes the HQ Staff and all key ROA Leaders.

CDR Leonard then reviewed the various Resolutions, below, to be considered by our Department for submission to ROA-HQ, and presented at the national Annual Meeting in October 2024.

RENEW (from 2023) - RESOLUTION # NC 2024-1 "Modernize US Coast Guard Reserve Structure to Optimize Mobilization Strength" (see document for details).

This Resolution was presented by CDR Leonard and discussed by attendees. This Resolution was PASSED.

RENEW (from 2023) - RESOLUTION # NC 2024-2 "Enact the Parity for the U.S. Public Health Service Ready Reserve Act" (see document for details). (This item is currently an active line-of-effort at ROA-HQ) Presented by CDR Leonard and discussion followed. This Resolution was PASSED.

NEW RESOLUTION # NC 2024-3 "Protect Sea Service Capabilities and Strengthen NOAA Corps Operations" (see document for details). Following discussion by CDR Leonard and attendees, it was decided to AMEND portions of this Resolutions (relating to Project 2025). This Resolution was PASSED with specific amendments.

NEW RESOLUTION # NC 2024-4 "Modernize the Military Personnel Promotion System, Active and Reserve" (see document for details). Attendees commented that the Department of Defense has been considering methods of aligning military service, for many years. This topic could developed as a managed-continuum of service with Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Duty Status, to increase retention, readiness and still maintain career options. After discussion with CDR Leonard and attendees, the decision was made to approve this Resolution, and forward it to ROA-HQ with the request for Matt Schwartzman to review and staff as needed.

This Resolution was PASSED, with forwarding guidance, to ROA-HQ.

SPECIAL REMARKS BY MG MARGARET WILMOTH (BA, RN, MA, PhD) (U.S. Army, Retired) candidate for ROA - President-Elect, 2024.

Major General Wilmoth announced that she is seeking to be elected as ROA's President-Elect, 2024. COL Iggi Husar has endorsed her nomination, which will be considered during the National Meeting, ARMY Section Meeting, on Saturday, October 5, 2024 (8:45-9:15AM) in Washington, DC. She mentioned that she is prepared to dedicate her fullest efforts to ROA, if elected. MG Wilmoth is still a Faculty Member at the UNC-School of Nursing. She stated that her work schedule is now very flexible and that she will be able to work hard on behalf of ROA. She mentioned that she will interface with the HQ-Staff, National EXCOM, and Departments, to strengthen ROA and prepare it for the future, with dynamic, forward-thinking strategies.


COL Iggi Husar introduced LtCol Wood, who is a Fayetteville Native and a graduate of the Air Force Academy. LtCol Wood's exemplary career, included many Active Duty accomplishments as an Air Force pilot, as well as additional service with the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve. He also served with the 440th Airlift Wing (USAFR) during the time that the unit was located at Pope Air Force Base. He is a member of many military organizations. LtCol Wood is currently the Commander of The North Carolina Veterans Council (NCVC). LtCol Wood gave a dynamic presentation of his career and his work with the NCVC. He discussed with us the wide-range of support services provided by the NCVC and the numerous Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) throughout North Carolina. His Council coordinates with many military Groups state-wide, which address the needs of North Carolina's veterans. LtCol Wood coordinates with North Carolina's Secretary of Military Affairs Office in Raleigh on many important topics. He visits many organizations throughout our state to improve the well-being of the MANY Thousands of North Carolina Veterans.

At the conclusion of LtCol Wood's remarks, COL Husar presented him with the OFFICIAL 2022 ROA CENTENNIAL COIN. The attendees thanked LtCol Wood for his presentation and attendance at our 2024 Department Convention!!

COL Husar adjourned this Convention at 2:30 PM and announced that all attendees were invited to the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry's Hospitality Room in the Museum.

03/01/24 13:46/ NCROA Webmaster/ General/