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About NCROA About the Organization

Department Executive Committee (ExCom)

20 July 2024

Election results from 20 July 2024 Annual Meeting:

Department President-Ihor "Iggi" W. Husar, COL USA (Ret)

Vice President-Kevin Riedler, COL USA (Ret)

Secretary-Mike Moose, LTC USA (Ret)

Treasurer-Thomas M. Froneberger, LTC USA (Ret)

Immediate Past President-James R. Adams, LTC USA (Ret)

Past ROA National President-Paul Kayye, RADM, USN (Ret)

ROA Strategic Planning Committee Member-Peggy Wilmoth, MG, USA (Ret)

ROA Executive Committee Member (Naval Services)-John N. Leonard, CDR, USCG (Ret)

06/25/23 15:38/ NCROA Webmaster/ About NCROA/

About the Reserve Organization of America

ROA’s “A Century of Service to America”: The history and continued service to America’s Reserve force and the nation’s military readiness.

With its unequaled credibility on America’s Reserve Components, ROA is a powerful advocate in Congress, the Pentagon and VA, and policymaker offices throughout Washington. ROA leads the nation’s efforts to ensure the Reserve Components are strong and ready, and Reserve Component families are well cared for.

Since 1922, The Reserve Officers Association of the United States, now known as the Reserve Organization of America to reflect its all-ranks membership, has championed the cause of the Reserve Components at home and in war. The evolution of that mission has helped protect the rights and benefits of individual members of the Reserve force and their families, while preserving a strong and capable Reserve force as a critical component to our national security. ROA continues to serve the Reserve and National Guard in an era where the need is greater than ever before.

In 1922, after the first world war, General of the Armies John “Black Jack” Pershing helped form ROA to ensure America had a strong Reserve force – he and his fellow founders of ROA knew war would come again. It did and with ROA’s support, the nation had a cadre of Reserve leaders on which to rebuild its armed forces. From every background and branch, “citizen-warriors” have served their country; from duty at home, to Europe to Vietnam, the Pacific to Southwest and Southcentral Asia, Africa and now space.

For 100 years ROA has been the only organization solely dedicated to supporting the Reserve Components and their critical role in national defense. ROA is America’s only exclusive advocate for the Reserve and National Guard – all ranks, all services. With a sole focus on support of the Reserve and Guard, ROA promotes the interests of Reserve Component members, their families, and veterans of Reserve service; and conducts a legislative campaign that ensures the readiness of our Reserve force. Together, ROA’s members sound off in one voice for one mission.

Reserve duty has changed, with increasing operational missions. So has the “new” Reserve Organization of America. ROA provides the tools, resources, support, education, and advocacy Reservists and their families need to succeed, in and out of uniform.

We call this—Reserve Strength. Reserve Life .

Reserve Strength

Vigorous advocates fighting for a powerful national defense with a strong Reserve force as an essential partner in the total force.

A trusted, influential, and effective voice in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. Policy experts leveraging Reserve Component-specific knowledge and skills.

Leaders in the effort to sustain the resources necessary for trained, equipped, strategic and operational Reserve Components.

A legislative agenda dedicated to the needs of the Reserve and National Guard..

Reserve Life

A dependable source for RC professional development and education. A network of serving and veteran members of the Reserve force.

Deployment and transition resources for members and their families.

Military skills, national security, and language training with fellow NATO Reserve forces. Opportunities at the local, state, and national levels to build and lead ROA’s future.

An ROA revitalizing for its second century is an opportunity for new members to help shape the new ROA. You helped make history in uniform, now help make the new ROA!

04/05/22 18:53/ Webguy/ About NCROA/

Memorandum of Agreement Signed

Memorandum of Agreement Signed
NC NGA Building
Working with the NCNGA

The North Carolina National Guard Association (NC NGA) authorizes Reserve Organization of America (ROA) North Carolina Department to use its NC NGA Headquarters building at 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 as ROA’s official address. NC NGA further authorizes: 1) ROA to conduct its Executive Committee meetings as needed with 30 days’ notice; 2) utilization of an NGA post office box for delivery of official correspondence.

North Carolina National Guard Association (NC NGA), 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607

08/17/20/ Webguy/ About NCROA/

Membership Joining the NCROA organization

NCROA History Where we come from.

Congressional Charter

Founded in 1922 and under congressional charter since 1950, Reserve Officers Association of the United States (ROA), now doing business as the Reserve Organization of America, advocates for adequate funding of equipment and training requirements, recruiting and retention incentives, and employment rights for all members of the Reserve. It also advises and educates the Congress, the president, and the American people on national security.

01/25/24 18:12/ NCROA Webmaster/ NCROA History/

Documents Official documents of the ROA

Zoom Call Minutes-12 March 2024


CALL to ORDER - 5PM - -COL Iggi Husar - President



ROLL CALL - Mike Moose


Iggi Husar - President

Tom Froneberger - Treasurer

Mike Moose - Secretary (audio only)

John Leonard - National EXCOM (Sea Services)

OLD BUSINESS - Approval of February 10, 2024 Minutes - Approved as submitted.

College Medal Awards - Mike mentioned that he has mailed the ROA College ROTC Medals

for the 21 N.C. college detachments. We are receiving some ROA Presenter Ceremony Invitations.

Mike will coordinate those invitations and College ROTC ceremony events.


Monthly Financial Report and Dues Rebates - Tom - Reported our Current Assets are higher than in recent years. He is looking into arrangements for using PayPal, for security of future Donations to our Department. Tom mentioned that he has received a check from ROA-HQ for the Member Dues Rebates ($1,700+) for FY 22.

IRS Filing Status - Tom stated that our IRS status is still current for 2024.

Department Annual Meeting - Iggi - The Annual Department Meeting is planned for Saturday - July 20, 2024 at the Fayetteville HQ / Museum of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry - 1000 to 1500 hours.

Department Merger Discussion - Mike and John stated that at this time, our Department is

not planning to merge with any other Departments. North Carolina will continue to cooperate

with all nearby States and keep in communication with them, even if other mergers occur.

Nomination of MG Wilmoth - Iggi stated that he has endorsed the nomination of MG Wilmoth for the election of ROA, NATIONAL PRESIDENT ELECT. This vote will take place at the National Convention in Wash. D.C. in the Fall of 2024. The Department of North Carolina fully supports MG Wilmoth's decision to be Nominated. Her candidacy will move forward, when ROA's Army Department selects her as their Nominee, at the National Convention.

Other Topics:

Mike (DNC-Rep) stated that he is actively participating in ROA's National Council. These ZOOM meetings occur quarterly. The March 16 DNC Meeting in DC was cancelled.

The National Council (DNC) will meet, in-person, in Washington, DC during the National Convention.

Currently the National Council communicates with ROA's Executive Committee on important topics, including the analysis for potential National Ballot Voting, the status of the STARS Foundation, and the status of ROA's Second Century Fundraising Campaign.




08/29/23 09:31/ NCROA Webmaster/ Documents/